

Dan Gibbins, Keith Kollee, Ian Pond, and Devin Warne are a group of people burdened by continuous creative impulses, which they've chosen to weaponize to entertain you, the people.

Recovered heads west for True Grits

Recovered heads west for True Grits

Dan and Keith are back in the old west as a young girl, a grizzled marshal, and a cocky (and creepy) Texas ranger seek justice-slash-revenge in two takes on True Grit. In 1969, an aging John Wayne plays slightly against type as Rooster Cogburn, while still basically being John Wayne. It's considered an all-time classic western, so who would remake it? Joel and Ethan Coen, that's who. Three years off their first Oscar win, the Coens remake True Grit with 80% of the same dialogue but a spectacular cast. Two takes on the same story: how much of an improvement did the Coens manage? We discuss, listen in!

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Academy Vs Audience breaks down the Best Pictures

Academy Vs Audience breaks down the Best Pictures

AVA goes the distance with Rocky

AVA goes the distance with Rocky